Saturday, July 21, 2018

Football and Bracelet Day! Ndirande: Blantyre, Malawi

Today we invaded a Saturday football practice in Ndirande, Malawi - a very poor section of Blantyre.    Chris brought some equipment and we got to observe and interact with the players and coaches. Devon participated in the drills.  There were some very good players.  Despite playing in Crocs and bare feet for some, they played hard and fast - even the little ones!


After the drills, we taught the children to make friendship bracelets like the ones we brought from home.  Truth be told, some were already very proficient and taught their friends much better than I did.  Language did not seem to be a barrier and we had a very enthusiastic bunch.

One of our Rolling Hills students, Alexandra, made many bracelets for these children. Thank you:) 

                                                  The finished products!


Devon made some friends.  One even wanted to travel back to the US with him:)

One of the coaches, Joyce, made a friendship bracelet with the colors of the Malawian flag and presented it to Chris. They also gave us beautiful handmade cards and their traditional football (wrapped plastic).

We then made our way to Makata School where many of the children attend.  There are a total of 7000 children and they are divided into shifts of 3500.

This the football field and playground for all of the students.

The community is very proud of their water pump.  Chris took a turn while the ladies who had come to get water, giggled in the back.  Apparently, they thought he was a bit slow!

Luke tried to start a game of marbles with one of the children.

These look more like ratkabobs rather than the micekabobs that I described earlier but either way, they certainly do not look appetizing:)

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